
Posts Tagged ‘puppet’

Urgent Muppet News!!!

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you already know I love the Muppets. I mean, really truly, totally, unconditionally, to-the-moon-and-back, saved my life literally, LOVE the Muppets.


So today J found this interview on Splitsider and immediately came and got me and made me watch the clip and read the interview.

OMG (all of them — Allah to Zeus) there is a new documentary where five of the original muppet performers sit down and talk about the experience of being a Muppet. It’s sort of like Dinner for Five without the dinner but all about Muppets.

Is it just me or is this so totally exciting that you just have to go Squeee! and dance around a bit?


The documentary goes live tomorrow March 16th at MuppetGuysTalking.com. You can only see it at that site; it is Not Coming to a Theater Near You! You can mark your calendars if you want but since it’s only one day I think you can just remember.

I just got an email from the website saying thank you and giving me some details. It goes live at 6 am Eastern USA time, (10 a.m. in London, 12:00 noon in Cairo, 9 p.m. in Sydney, and VERY early — at 3 a.m. if you’re on U.S. Pacific Time). I don’t know what this is going to cost but there will be two options: 1) the film, 2) the film plus some “really great extras and bonus items” which is called Below Stage Pass, get it, below stage — where the puppeteers are. You can probably guess which one I want.


UPDATE: Film is now live; I went with option 1) film only. Which cost me a whole $9.97, I downloaded it to my computer so even if my internet goes down or is slow I can still watch it. FYI I couldn’t afford option 2 and besides I’m still not even on Facebook and my monitor doesn’t have a camera and I don’t need to be part of a live online audience. Oh well.

But we have Muppets!!!!!

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Trippy, Funky Video

I am perfectly aware that I’ve been gone far, far too long. Life has been exceedingly crazy here for way too many months. Not crazy in a good way, not in a horrible way, just crazy with things like the flu and other icky health stuff and boring life stuff that takes up too much bloody time.

Things are slowly improving and in the last week or so I’ve been working on a new piece of art. Yes, working on it finally because the deadline is looming and it needs to get done no matter how tired I am.


So here is a link to a really wonderful music video by a Dutch band called Death Van that I saw on the Dangerous Minds blog. Reading their post I do agree that it reminds me of the Brothers Quay’s work, but it also reminds me of sequences in the movie MirrorMask. Very cool, very surreal, very low-brow art,  totally love it! So click and watch, several times maybe even.


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I have recently purchased the most marvelous book. (please note the smudge under the title is a weird reflection caused during scanning)

figs 4dim cover

Figures in the Fourth Dimension by Ellen Rixford is a delight to both the eyes and the brain. If you like puppetry and/or automatons you will love this book. If you want to build puppets, marionettes, or automata, you will be ecstatic.

This book is big, heavy and loaded with beautiful photos, extremely cogent diagrams, instructions and other valuable information. It starts with basics; the parts and devices used in building mechanical things. Then it moves on to tools, supplies, and setting up workspaces. Then there are chapters on artists working in a wide variety of styles both in the visual and the mechanical approach.

figs 4dim 1

Like this bright colorful killer tomato automaton.

figs 4dim 2

Or this modern statuesque carved wooden automaton, both these examples use similar mechanisms but the artistic esthetic is totally different.

figs 4dim 3

figs 4dim 4

Then there is this elaborately controlled elephant marionette who picks up and eats a fruit.

figs 4dim 5

EL Wire body puppets that in performance are light in motion.

figs 4dim 6

figs 4dim 7

This wooden spaceship is an example of how not only do you get a description of how the device moves/acts but also of how the action is achieved.

An outstanding feature of this book is that while it shows many, many different devices it also explains how to make and use the different mechanisms that the various artist used to achieve the motions.

figs 4dim 8

This last picture is here because I’ve adored Paul Spooner’s art for a very very long time and this one is a perfect example of why. It’s called “The Borgias’ Cat” who happens upon some spilled milk and laps it up . . . and dies. Wonderfully Silly! Dark but silly, just love it.

It took me a very loooooong time to decide which images to share, I finally chose on the basis of variety of styles as there are too many entirely gorgeous photos to choose just a few favorites.

So if you’ve ever wondered how puppets, marionettes, ventriloquist dummies and mechanical automata (both modern and antique) work, what their guts look like, or how to build one. Buy this book. Even if you’re just curious about these things: BUY THIS BOOK!

This Book is Totally Amaze-Bones!!!!

Figures in the Fourth Dimension website is here where you can see more about the book; including the entire table of contents (5 pages — this is a thick heavy book — hooray). Then did I mention . . . you should buy it!

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